Tween not working

The Tween is not working and I keep getting this error
TweenService:Create no property named 'CFrame' for object 'Gear'

Heres the code and im trying to tween a meshpart.

local Ownerid = script.Parent.Parent.Assets.OwnerId
local landingGearFolder = script.Parent.Parent.landingGear

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")

local backgear = landingGearFolder.Gear
local backRoot = backgear.PrimaryPart

local backSwingInfo =

local DoorSwingTween = ts:Create(backgear, backSwingInfo, {CFrame = backRoot.CFrame  * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)})

backgear.RearLand.CanCollide = false
backgear.RearLand2.CanCollide = false
-- I'm testing to see it works then i will add it into the code / make the rest

    if plr.UserId == Ownerid.Value then
        --nothing yet but as soon as you get in it tweens the landing gear in and you hover

Tweening CFrame is a little funky, but simple when you know how.
There is only one line you have to change, which is the one where you create the tween:

ts:Create(backgear, backSwingInfo, {["CFrame"] = backRoot.CFrame  * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)})
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turns out I still got the same

TweenService:Create no property named 'CFrame' for object 'Gear'

Then whatever you are attempting to tween doesnt have a CFrame property.

Can you give us the class name of the object you’re trying to tween?
Maybe a screenshot from the explorer along with the children of the Gear object?


Actually, do Gear.PrimaryPart
That might work.

the class name is model and the part inside for moving is a meshPart

I think changing it to Create(backgear.PrimaryPart, …) should work.