Tween not working

I have made a tween that opens a a gate by moving it upwards. The gate it a model with 5 different parts. I am not sure why but it is only moving one part of the Gate even though I have set PrimaryPart of the model and used WeldConstraints for every seperate part to connect to the Main part which is in the center.

Below is a screenshot of the Model in workspace (Yes I have checked that the WeldConstraints are from that part to the Main Part.

This is the code inside of a script in ServerScriptService:

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local door = game.Workspace.Gate
local wps = game:GetService("Workspace")

local doorTween =


local openDoor = tweenService:Create(door,doorTween, {CFrame = game.Workspace.GatePos.CFrame}) 
function noobWalk ()

wait (5) -- main game begin
noobWalk() -- call function for the tween

Many thanks,

Weld them together. So they all move as one. Could also use Union and make them one part.

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I did I used WeldConstraint, if there is a difference.

Are they anchored? I think you should only anchor the primary part

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WeldConstraint seems to still let parts move away. Maybe I use them wrong. Welds seem to hold tight. I’m not the greatest with this as I’ve only done it a few times. I mostly just Union things.
Here is small gate I made to do what you’re looking to do. Click it, goes up for a bit then comes down.
Gate.rbxm (80.2 KB)

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