Tween on UI Object Does Not Work

Basically whenever the EggCollect RemoteEvent gets fired to a client the client does as following in the script. Everything works except making the BasketFrame.Egg visible and playing the actual Tween. I even tried keeping it visible and it does not play the Tween. I cannot seem to help myself in any way. I appreciate any help.

Note: I do receive no Error messages.

Local Script:

	local EggData = Rep:FindFirstChild("EggData")
	if EggData then
		if not EggData[eggName].Value then
			EggData[eggName].Value = true
			local count = tonumber(string.match(BasketCount.Text, "%d+"))
			count = count + 1

			if game.Workspace.Eggs:WaitForChild(tostring(eggName)).TextureID == "rbxassetid://12919198848" then
				BasketFrame.Egg.Image = "rbxassetid://13041747973"
			elseif game.Workspace.Eggs:WaitForChild(tostring(eggName)).TextureID == "rbxassetid://12919326162" then
				BasketFrame.Egg.Image = "rbxassetid://13055714365"
			elseif game.Workspace.Eggs:WaitForChild(tostring(eggName)).TextureID == "rbxassetid://12919312260" then
				BasketFrame.Egg.Image = "rbxassetid://13055812175"
			elseif game.Workspace.Eggs:WaitForChild(tostring(eggName)).TextureID == "rbxassetid://12919262681" then
				BasketFrame.Egg.Image = "rbxassetid://13055841502"

			BasketFrame.Visible = true
			BasketFrame.Egg.Visible = true
			BasketFrame.Egg.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0)
			game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(BasketFrame.Egg,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad), {Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0.7)}):Play()
			BasketFrame.Egg.Visible = false
			BasketFrame.Egg.Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.2, 0)

Whats the parent of the localscript?

Its gonna be inside a PlayerGui so it you could try it as a server script.
maybe it will work
and instead of a RemoteEvent you could use a StringValue and it can fire server to server then

--eggname will be the new stringvalue's value

That does work everything else inside the script works fine. It is just the Egg which does not become visible and the Tween does not play.

If you want to tween the position you should use GuiObject:TweenPosition()
At least I never do it that way, sorry if I’m wrong.