Tween script error "Unable to cast double to token"

Hey! I’m working on a Loading Bar for my main menu but I’ve ran into a problem. After scripting the tween’s, it says “Unable to cast double to token” when I go to test it out.

Here’s the error:
Screenshot 2023-08-26 131634

Here’s the script:

local loadingBar = script.Parent
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local img = loadingBar.Parent.ImageLabel

local mainFrame = loadingBar.Parent.Parent.Parent.MainMenu.MainFrame
local playBtn = mainFrame.PlayButton
local settingsBtn = mainFrame.SettingsButton
local creditsBtn = mainFrame.CreditsButton
local titleImg = mainFrame.Title

loadingBar:TweenSize(, 0,0.04, 0), 1)
loadingBar:TweenSize(, 0,0.04, 0), 3) -- line 14
loadingBar:TweenSize(, 0,0.04, 0), 1)
loadingBar:TweenSize(, 0,0.04, 0), 2)
if not game:IsLoaded() then
	loadingBar:TweenSize(, 0,0.04, 0), 2)
	loadingBar:TweenPosition(, 0,2, 0), 1)
	img:TweenPosition(, 0,2, 0), 1)
	titleImg:TweenSize(, 751,0, 500), 1)
	titleImg:TweenPosition(, 0,-0.061, 0), 1)
	playBtn:TweenPosition(, 0,0.5, 0), 1)
	settingsBtn:TweenPosition(, 0,0.652, 0), 1)
	creditsBtn:TweenPosition(, 0,0.797, 0), 1)

Any help will do! Thanks!

The second argument for TweenSize is EasingDirection. You’ve passed 3, there’s no EasingDirection with that value

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seems like “3” isn’t a easingdirection, I searched it up and tried what 3 is equivalent to and it still gives the error, I think 3/quad isn’t a option for that type as far as I know.

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