Tween service & experience intro

Hey Devs,

So I’ve been trying to create an intro for my experience using tween service. However I tried a lot of different options and non of them worked. I also tried watching some tutorials on YouTube but still didn’t helped me. Then I tried asking the Roblox AI assistant if he could try making the intro, which succeed but it looked little off…

So I would like to ask if any of you guys could help me, because it would make my experience much better!

I would be really thankful for any ideas or replies.

By the way, if you would like to give me offer (You would make the intro for me and I would pay by Robux), feel free to DM me.

I also included video what I meant so you can better understand me.

Have a nice day!

It seems fairly simple - Just a sequence of textboxes (or frames) which are being faded in then being faded out. What happened with the “different options” you mentioned? Did they partially work? Did they error? etc.

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Well, I tried scripting it, but it just simply didn’t worked. Like nothing happened. Basically like if the script never existed… Also I deleted the scripts, so I’m not able to show you.

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Assuming you didn’t delete it, can you please send a copy of the code you tried?

It’s possible that you forgot to :Play() the tweens.

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Umnmm, I deleted them. Stupid me

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All good.

Would you only want the 3 ‘frames’ shown in the example video, or would you want it to display more things

I mean, the video that I sent as an example would be perfect. I don’t need anything else.

I made something that seems to be pretty similar to what the example video is:

devforum.rbxm (7.7 KB)

Code used
-- Coded by @SeargentAUS for @jeziskrista

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Backdrop = script.Parent.Backdrop
local Frames = script.Parent.Frames	

for i = 1, #Frames:GetChildren() do
	local Frame = Frames["Frame" .. tostring(i)]
	if i ~= 1 then
		local Previous = Frames["Frame" .. tostring(i-1)]
		for _, child in Previous:GetChildren() do
			TweenService:Create(child,, {TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
		TweenService:Create(Previous,, {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play()
		Previous.Visible = false
	Frame.Visible = true
	Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
	for _, child in Frame:GetChildren() do
		child.TextTransparency = 1
		TweenService:Create(child,, {TextTransparency = 0}):Play()
	TweenService:Create(Frame,, {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play()
	task.wait(1.5 + 2) -- how long to display the frame for
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Hey! Thank you so much! It means a lot to me.
Just a question, do i have to do anything with the code? I tried it and nothing happened…

(I uploaded video to cloud because it was too big: - Google Drive)

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Download the .rbxm file and put it into starter gui. It should appear then (the code is just as a reference for people looking at this post later, who may not wish to download the model)

(Also, I think you linked the wrong video)

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oh oh, my bad with the video… I’m sorry about that

Yeah, it’s working now! Thank you so much!