Tween Service Stuttering a bit

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Hello, I am making a teleport spell in my harry potter game and am trying to make it smooth with the TweenService, but it is stuttering a bit (my script is a server script). Can anyone help?


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Where’s your script?

ReplicatedStorage (I need it to be accessible for local and server scripts)

Can you give us the code to make this? so we can help you

Try changing the easing style to linear

Nono, I meant like, where is your script? What’s your script?

Oh the code? Here:

game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(char.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {
	CFrame = +, 2, 0))
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That didn’t work, I think it is set to linear by default anyway

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