Tween Service use, problem on Mobile!

Hello fellow devforumers, in my game people join from different platforms like phone, console, pc, etc… (PRIMARYLIY from Mobile), and the game is about viewing and playing custom animations using a CUSTOM system, i use tween service to play animations with a custom system, lets call the time variable for tweenservice: keyframeFadeTime, so, i noticed that, if the keyframeFadeTime is <0.1, then it does not give an accurate tween result on mobile, its hard to explain but the tween feels chunky and slow. But it works just good on pc, and even works good in studio when emulating mobile platform, tested on the following devices:
Iphone xr, Iphone 15, Samsung Galaxy. and the same result on all 3 phones.
Im out of ideas, anything would be appreciated! (Except liking my post with no reply, if you like it please make sure to leave a though or why you came here :pray:)
Script example my system is based off:

local fadeTime = 0.03;
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService");
local joint = nil; -- a joint that has to be moved (BONE / MOTOR6D)
ts:Create(joint,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {C0 =}):Play();
-- or --
ts:Create(joint,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {Transform =}):Play();