Tween Transparency of my loading screen doesnt work?

Im currently working on a loading screen for my game and the current goal is to have it fade out after all the assets have loaded.

I am experiencing an issue where after all the assets have loaded the code for the fading out of the Loading Screen does not work. I could not spot anything wrong with it, does anyone know what it might be?

Code for the fading out^

Wrong section, Use Scripting Support. I can almost grantee you wont get answers here.

Hmm, I tried this and for some reason only the text labels are fading out, not the Image Label and Ui Strokes?

Notice that ImageLabel’s image won’t change its transparency if you change the BackgroundTransparency.

Stroke won’t change its transparency if you change text’s transparency too.

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Thanks the image label fades out perfectly now, but for the Ui Stroke do I have to remove it in order for it to not linger on the screen or is there a way to have it fade out aswell?

There’s a TextStrokeTransparency property, so you must tween it too in case you want it to change its transparency.

Yeah but the TextStrokeTransparency property won’t be accessible if an UiStroke is placed inside a TextLabel.

Oh I didn’t notice he was using it, but UIStroke has transparency property too anyway.

Oh I found the issue, I was saying UiStroke instead of UIStroke, whole loading screen works perfectly now, Thanks!