Tween with CFrames rotates part

I’m trying to tween a part position that has welds in it with CFrame but it tweens the orientation along with it too, I’m using CFrame because when i try to use Position only the part moves and not the welded parts along with it.
I’m using WeldConstraits to weld.

local c2a = tw:Create(workspace.Map["Map Rooms"].__ELEVATOR.__RIGHTDOOR.__REALDOORB,, {CFrame = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(334.19), math.rad(203.929), math.rad(219.197))})-- closet1
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Why are your names double underscored and all uppercase? If you don’t want a rotation why are you giving it a CFrame that is purely a rotation? Also make sure that only one part of the model you’re tweening is anchored.



I found the solution to this just make a new variable that holds the new orientation and then set it to the part’s CFrame

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As @azqjanna stated, you are changing the Orientation here. If you don’t want to change the Orientation then only change the CFrame Postion, not the Orientation.

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If i use Position only the main part movse not everything welded along with it. And i tried without math.rad too.

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That’s what i did kinda.

local __POS =, 203.929, 219.197)
local __ROT = workspace.Map["Map Rooms"].__ELEVATOR.__RIGHTDOOR.__REALDOORB.CFrame - workspace.Map["Map Rooms"].__ELEVATOR.__RIGHTDOOR.__REALDOORB.CFrame.Position
local c2a = tw:Create(workspace.Map["Map Rooms"].__ELEVATOR.__RIGHTDOOR.__REALDOORB,, {CFrame = * __ROT })-- closet1
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Tthe __REALDOORB you are moving with CFrames should be the only Anchored Part in the door.
All the Parts welded to it should be Unanchored and not welded to any other Anchored Part.