Tween:Cancel() not working as intended

I am trying to reset this tween so it starts again from the top. I try to cancel it and reset the positions, but the tween still picks up from where it left off. Replacing the Cancel with Pause does the same thing so I don’t get what the Cancel is doing here.




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Tween:Cancel() Stops the tween entirely and does not pick up where it left off, tween:Pause() pauses the tween and when played, plays where it stops.

If you want to reset where the circle is you’d have to do it manually when you cancel the tween.

:Cancel does what it implies, it just cancels the tween at that time frame. If you want it to revert, set the value of the property you’re tweening to what you want to be.

I figured it out, it was something else

sorry to necro this, but what was the issue? im having something similar i think and i cant find anyone else who has had this same issue apparently