Tween.Completed on client triggers some seconds after tween is completed

Hello there! I’ve ran into this problem: Tween.Completed:Wait() on client side triggers some seconds after the tween finishes, but this happens only if the tweened part is near the player, I dont actually know why this happens.

the tweening is like:

while true do
for i = 1,Nodes do

local tween = ........



here there is a video: robloxapp-20231217-2159123

if there something to evitate this let me know :slight_smile:

This is most likely a NetworkOwnership problem. Try setting the model’s PrimaryPart’s NetworkOwner to server.



first, the model hasnt a primary part (if I can just put a random part let me know) and that model is only on client side, not server side (also here I dont know if I can set it on client side)

EDIT: the part that has tween moving is achored

just wondering why only when the players is near the “think speed” of the script of that chair is slowed down, but if the player isnt near the chairlifts move perfectly

nevermind, I found the solution. It was just a problem of my script of waiting.

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