Tweened Gui not there in client's screen?

So when the Gui is tweened, it will not appear but when I go to the server it is there. Here is my script.

local ShopKeeper = workspace.MilitaryBoi1232
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent
local ShopFrame = game.StarterGui.ShopScreenGui.ShopFrameGui

	print("Frame Tweened")

Is this script being run on the server and not the client? The script should be run on the client if you are moving GUI elements.
You are moving the frame inside the StarterGui when you should be moving the frame inside the PlayerGui.

This should be:

local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local ShopFrame = Player.PlayerGui.ShopScreenGui.ShopFrameGui

When a player joins the game everything inside the StarterGui is replicated to the player’s PlayerGui.

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Place it in a local script parented to the StarterGui.

You are setting it for everyone in the server tho.

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Any changes to the StarterGui are not replicated to the client unless the client joins the game after the change was made. To change a client’s GUI on the server you have to use RemoteEvents.


I accidently used the normal script, oops

Mhm, use a local script. Which will trigger only to the client

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