TweenInfo not being replicated to clients

I have a client script that passes a table with an instance, a TweenInfo object, and a dictionary of properties to the server, and then the server passes that same table without modifying it in any way to the clients. For some reason, when I have the client script print the contents of the table it received, the TweenInfo index is “nil”, but when I have the client script print the contents of the table that it is passing to the server, the TweenInfo index is the TweenInfo. Does TweenInfo just not pass through remote events or am I doing something wrong?

Client Script:

events.updateTweens.OnClientEvent:Connect( function( cPlyr, tweens )
    if ( cPlyr ~= plyr ) then
        for _, tween in pairs( tweens ) do
            print( unpack( tween ) );
end )

while true do
    local tweens = {
   1 );
            { CFrame = math.random( -10, 10 ), 0.5, math.random( -10, 10 ) ) };
    events.updateTweens:FireServer( tweens );
    wait( 1 );

Server Script:

events.updateTweens.OnServerEvent:Connect( function( plyr, tweens )
    events.updateTweens:FireAllClients( plyr, tweens );
end )
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This is actually an outstanding bug – nothing wrong on your end.


Ah ok, thank you. I have a pretty simple workaround for this but hopefully it gets fixed soon

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