I am unsure on how to make this tween smoothly, i attempted this myself however it cam eout with working, but odd results
clipping.Size = UDim2.new(sizeRatio, clipping.Size.X.Offset, clipping.Size.Y.Scale, clipping.Size.Y.Offset)
top.Size = UDim2.new((sizeRatio > 0 and 1 / sizeRatio) or 0, top.Size.X.Offset, top.Size.Y.Scale, top.Size.Y.Offset) -- Extra
the example of me attempting it
function resizeCustomLoadingBar(sizeRatio, clipping, top,wentdown)
if wentdown then
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(0.2)
local tween2 = tweenservice:Create(clipping, tweenInfo, {Size = UDim2.new(sizeRatio, clipping.Size.X.Offset, clipping.Size.Y.Scale, clipping.Size.Y.Offset)})
local tween1 = tweenservice:Create(clipping, tweenInfo, {Size = UDim2.new(sizeRatio, clipping.Size.X.Offset, clipping.Size.Y.Scale, clipping.Size.Y.Offset)})
clipping.Size = UDim2.new(sizeRatio, clipping.Size.X.Offset, clipping.Size.Y.Scale, clipping.Size.Y.Offset)
top.Size = UDim2.new((sizeRatio > 0 and 1 / sizeRatio) or 0, top.Size.X.Offset, top.Size.Y.Scale, top.Size.Y.Offset) -- Extra check in place just to avoid doing 1 / 0 (which is undefined)
the top is the current, it doesnt tween it at all just instantly changes it.
the latter is the attempt of me doing it.
same fuction for both but for the first one “wentdown” does not exist so ignore that.