Tweening a part along a path

I am working on a racing game where players race carts along a fixed track. I’d like to move the cart along the track via tweenservice since it’s more reliable than the usual roblox cart physics. (test map for example)

Instead of tweening a part from one position to another, how can I tween a part along a specific path without lining up a bunch of nodes on the track and tweening the cart between them?

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Tweens are from 1 Position to another. You can’t do it in steps.
Physical carts work pretty well if you do them right.

Or a model I made for tutorial purposes:
Test Train, bogeys with tilt (VectorForce or Hinges).rbxl (190 KB)

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that’s a shame, the reason I wanted to use tweenservice was to eliminate all possibility of the cart derailing. I’ll look into using physical carts.

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Is there a reason why you don’t want to use nodes?