Hello, so I have been trying to tween multiple things, and after I rotated the whole model 90 degrees this keeps happening. (Its supposed to go down instead of turning 90 degrees.) https://gyazo.com/a3beb29fea38ea98ac07c36682dd3c41
What’s happening here is you’re creating a new CFrame at the position, but in doing this you’re losing the original angle that is stored in the part’s original CFrame. To solve this issue, instead of creating a brand new CFrame and losing the angle, you can translate the original CFrame instead using CFrame*CFrame like so:
local cframe = script.Parent.CFrame
local size = script.Parent.Size
local opena = {
CFrame = cframe,
Size = size
local close = {
CFrame = cframe*CFrame.new(0,-2,0),
Size = size + Vector3.new(0, 4.18, 0)