Tweening HumanoidRootPart Position on R6 issue


local Tween = TweenService:Create(Character.PrimaryPart, TInfo, {Position = MousePosition +, 0.25, 0)})

The Character somehow would get teleported to an unexpected position but it’ll eventually reach the designated position.
Why is this happening?
This only happens when the Character is on R6. It functions correctly and expectedly on R15 Characters.
Also it doesn’t happen when it’s CFrame instead of Position
Why and How does this happen? How do I fix this?

Plz Help





I don’t like to use CFrame since it rotates the character too


Are you tweening this in a server script or a local script?

Try changing the tween style or tween direction.

Just using cframe u can rotate it by changing the orientation

I am tweening it on a serverscript