Tweening makes model fly

After tweening my model just flies away and stops existing.

Can you give me the code you used?

local newApple = AppleModel:Clone()
	newApple.Parent = workspace.Items
	newApple.CanCollide = false
	newApple.Position =,5),Tree.Position.Y-10,math.random(-5,5))
	local tween = TS:Create(newApple,info,{Position =,Tree.Position.Y+3,newApple.Position.Z)}) 
	newApple.CanCollide = true

Oh, then i’m not really sure what’s wrong, it has never happened to me.

It looks like you’re tweening an apple in an apple tree. If you’re tweening it to fall, it’d be easier to just place the apple on the tree, unanchor it and set it to can collide so physics just take over. But if you want it to tween and stay in place, before setting can collide on, set anchored to on as well.

no the apples rise from the ground

Could you walk me through the objective? They rise and then they just fall back down or…?

yup exactly like what you are saying (it rises through the ground then falls down to the ground)

Is the apple inside of the tree or some other model when it rises and once it’s CanCollide is set totrue, is that when it goes flying? If so, you can try using Collision Groups, just so it isn’t able to touch that specific item and thus, wouldn’t get stuck and go flying.

nope it spawns at a random distance around the tree under the ground and rises up. Even if CanCollide is not set to true it still flies

Only last solution I could offer is to tween and upon finishing the tween, copy the location of the apple and place a new one in its place, then destroying the old apple.

The apple still seems to disappear

Nevermind it seems that cloning the original model works however the apple rising up is extremely fidgety

Try moving the line of

newApple.Parent = ...

to right before


and see if that does anything

Thank you everything is working just fine now!

Perfect! Good luck on your projects

Oh wait nevermind I think it was just a fluke as I ran it again and its back to being fidgety

This only seems to happen when it touches another apple on the way up

Collision groups would help. So that apples can’t touch other apples!

Ah nevermind its completely random