My NPC is supposed to face the player when interacted and I have it working, but I would like it to tween smoothly.
I have tried looking at other posts, but none of them helped me because my situation is different. My NPCs are handled on a serverscript that runs different scripts depending on the NPCs name (stored in a table) e.g. Civilian, Suspicious Civilian. But it didn’t help my problem. Additionally, it would work for only one NPC, but make the other NPC of the same name bounce around the player.
A simple way of doing this like a tween is lerping. You can use :PivotTo() with a lookat cframe to face your NPC’s toward the player or whatever you want them to look at. could you give a little more context as to what exactly you are doing to all of the other NPC’s that may be affecting their position and causing the unwanted bouncing?
A raycast from a tool sends a remote to the server, and the server tries to find the NPC with that name. It will then run the code for the NPC with that name on that NPC.
That is what is happening, but I’m not too sure what the issue could possibly be.
can u record a video of it?, cuz there is some reason, maybe the first frame of tweening got cancelled because the physics simulation changes the cframe (tween service stops the progress whenever the property gets overwritten by something else), try anchoring the npc humanoidrootpart before tweening them, also try to put prints along the way to test if the script even successfully locates the npc with the given name
local function LookAtFunc(Character : TheNPC, Target : Position)
if Character.PrimaryPart then --just make sure the character's HRP has loaded
local chrPos = Character.PrimaryPart.Position --get the position of the HRP
local tPos = Target --get the position of the target
local modTPos = (chrPos - tPos).Unit *,0,1) --mask out the Y axis
local upVector = Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame.UpVector
local newCF = CFrame.lookAt(chrPos, chrPos + modTPos, upVector) * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 1, 0), math.pi) --set the HRP's CFrame to our result, thus moving the character!
return newCF
local GetGoalCF = LookAtFunc(NPC, MyChar.PrimaryPart.Position)
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(NPC.PrimaryPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = GetGoalCF}):Play()
also try anchoring the primarypart of the npc first before u tween, then unanchoring it again once the tween has finished
local function LookAtFunc(Character : TheNPC, Target : Position)
if Character.PrimaryPart then
local chrPos = Character.PrimaryPart.Position
local tPos = Target --get the position of the target
local modTPos = (chrPos - tPos).Unit *,0,1)
local upVector = Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame.UpVector
local newCF = CFrame.lookAt(chrPos, chrPos + modTPos, upVector) * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 1, 0), math.pi)
return newCF
local function TurnToPlayer(player, character, waitingTime)
local GetGoalCF = LookAtFunc(character, player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(character.PrimaryPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {CFrame = GetGoalCF}):Play()
NPCManager.NPCs = {
["Base Pedestrian"] = function(player, npc, gunActive)
local sound
local outcome
local AnimOutcome
local Animating
local humanoid = npc:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local waitingTime = math.random(3, 5)
TurnToPlayer(player, npc, waitingTime)
local decisionMade = math.random(1,2)
if decisionMade == 1 then
print("Sure thing!")
outcome = true
sound = Var1SureSounds
AnimOutcome = YesAnims
print("No way")
outcome = false
sound = Var1refuseSounds
AnimOutcome = NoAnims
local playing = sound[math.random(1,#sound)]
local animatingT = AnimOutcome
Animating = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(animatingT)
Animating.Priority= Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
ReceivedEvent:FireClient(player, outcome)
local function onRemoteTriggered(player, npcID, gunActive)
print(player.Name .. "'s signal was received, now triggering script for " .. npcID.Name)
local npc = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(npcID.Name)
if npc and NPCManager.NPCs[npcID.Name] then
print("Script running!")
NPCManager.NPCs[npcID.Name](player, npc, gunActive)
Note that I am still working on the script, but I would like the issue to be solved first.
so the id will be duplicated aswell, maybe thats why its picking the first npc with the same id (:FindFIrstChild) but theres multiple of them, so first npc first serve
instead of giving them ids, try sending the npc itself through remote event, as long as it exist both in client and server (such as workspace) u can send it through remote events