Tweening Position

How do i go around tweening BodyPosition. When i use vector3 it tells me to use Cframe and when i use Cframe its says use vector3.

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local TweenMovingInfo =
	speeder.Value, --Seconds(Speed)
	Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, --Easing style
	0, --Repeat
	false, --Reversed

local TargetPosition = 
		Position =, 62.899, 0) * engine.CFrame.Rotation;
		--Position =,62,899, 0)


local BodyTween = TweenService:Create(Bases.Base1,TweenMovingInfo, TargetPosition)

any help is appreciated

CFrame.Rotation does not get translated into a Vector3 value, therefore you’ll need to use CFrame =,62.899,0) * engine.CFrame.

what if i remove the last part about cframe

Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do with this script?

Tweening a part. I added another tween to bodyPosition as to see if that was able to stop a player falling off the part when it was being tweened. The rotation part was to make sure it dint rotate

Tweening an objects position cannot rotate it as it only contains coordinate values, therefore you can remove the multiplication completely.

Oh ok. But do you have any idea on how to prevent a player from moving off a tweened platform. I have tried many devForum topics but they dont work

You can weld the HumanoidRootPart to the part that you are tweening.
*edit: it needs to be a weld constraint not a weld

Why would it be a weld constraint but not a weld?

It is a bit hard to explain, check this for more info.

I still want the character to move around though. Weld constraints says if one part moves, the other moves as well, And i do not want the train Floor to move along with the character

Well, I’m not sure how you can achieve that, but you can try parenting the player’s character to the floor.