Tweening Problems

The first tween plays. But then the second tween doesn’t. Please help me.


local events = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PlayerEvents")
local event = events:WaitForChild("LoadingEvent")
local frame = script.Parent.Frame

	frame:TweenPosition({0, 0},{0, 0}), Enum.EasingDirection.In, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 1, false)
	frame:TweenPosition({0, 0},{-1, 0}), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 1, false)
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Try using a different easing style for the second tween.

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Still didn’t work (filer filler filler)

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I’ve never seen tweens done like that before. You might’ve already looked at this, but if not here’s the documentation on tweens: Tween | Roblox Creator Documentation

I can’t tell what’s going on here, as I haven’t done it like that, but I’d imagine you still can use the reverse and time stuff, however you spell it, parameters. Something.

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Frame:TweenPosition() only Accepts strings instead of Enums for EasingStyle and EasingDirection

As an Extra Note: you should use UDim2.fromScale if you are only using the scale:

frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.fromScale(0, 0), "In", "Quad", 1, false)
-- This should be the "Correct way"
frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.fromScale(0, -1), "In", "Quad", 1, false)

However it is recommended that you use TweenService Instead of TweenPosition(), TweenSize() and TweenSizeAndPosition()

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I know why. Its because in the code you have done frame:TweenPosition({0, 0},{0, 0}). Notice the little curly brackets { and }. This was the first tween I learned lol so that should fix it.

Also, use strings in the EasingDirection and EasingStyle, so all in all your code should look something like this:

local events = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PlayerEvents")
local event = events:WaitForChild("LoadingEvent")
local frame = script.Parent.Frame

	frame:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0), "In", "Quad", 1, false)
	frame:TweenPosition(, 0, -1, 0), "In" , "Quad", 1, false)

If that doesn’t work, try swapping around the "In" and "Quad".


Thanks! This was the solution. I forgot to remove the {} brackets. Also I didn’t know that instead of doing Enum.EasingStyle.Quad. You can just do “Quad”. That will come in handy for future scripts. Thanks for helping me out guys.

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