Tweening Questions

Hey everyone! Hope you guys are having a good day! So today, I was making something that had to due with tweening, when I was making the properties for the tween, I had something pop in my head. I wanted to know, if I could put TWO properties, in one tween? For example…

local Tween = TweenService:Create(torso,info,Move1,Rotate1)

Is it possible to do that???


It is not possible and you would have to make two separate tweens. TweenService:Create() only allows 3 params. @sjr04 has the correct way to do it.

That is what the third argument table is for: a table of properties.

    Size = ...,
    Position = ...

Just an example property table.

ohhh, ok, Thank you for telling me, is there a different way I could do it, without making two tweens?

ohh so, in the tween I would just called the table?

no, just do this.

game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Part,,{Size =,1,1),Position =,0,0) Orientation =,0,90}):Play()