Hi devs, I’m trying to make a helicopter for a cutscene for my game. Well, i want its rotor to spin while the whole model move, basically tween a model and its submodel while keep the submodel’s position relative to the model. So I did it by weld all the rotor’s parts to that rotor’s primaryPart by using weld constrains, and used a normal weld to weld the rotor’s primaryPart and the helicopter’s primaryPart.
And I used this script to spin the rotor.
local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService")
while true do
script.Parent.TailRotorPrimary["TailRotorPrimary 🡪 Primary"].C0 = script.Parent.TailRotorPrimary["TailRotorPrimary 🡪 Primary"].C0 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0.05, 0, 0)
However this is the result.
I don’t know what is the issue, please help, thanks in advance.