TweenService Crashing

This applies to a local server and published server test.
I’m tweening some UI elements for effects with the TweenService but it seems to crash when I use one tween’s completed event to start another tween on ImageLabels.

I simplified the crash repo down. Just start a local server with 1 player and you crash
Happens 100% of the time.

Repo: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life


This crash plagues me from making my UIs nice :frowning:
Would be nice to know if I am doing something wrong or if it can be confirmed as a internal issue.

This is an internal issue. I actually have a fix for this that I am going to try and apply tomorrow.


Appreciate the info!
I spent like an hour wondering what I was doing wrong to cause roblox to crash with just tweening ahha

Confirmed that the issue is fixed!
No more crashing!

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