Hello, I wrote a script that lets a MovePart drive over a distance with Tweenservice. But unfortunately it is the case that if the function is always executed when the MovePart moves to the next part, it gets faster from the angle until then everything is fine, but the problem is: it always does it hesitantly you can see from the outside when it accelerates more and when it does It’s getting slower but step by step how can I make it go smoothly to the new MovementSpeed during the animation instead of directly. So that it accelerates smoothly to the new speed during the tween animation.
If you need more script lines let me know but here’s the important part it’s all in a function that fires again when the tween is finished.
local targetCFrame = spineData.part.CFrame
local distance = (targetCFrame.Position - movingPart.Position).Magnitude
local tweenTime = distance / math.abs(movementSpeed)
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(tweenTime, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
local tween = tweenService:Create(movingPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = targetCFrame})