I know there was a thread from like a year ago that discussed this, but that involved more than 1 property.
In my situation, using Motor6d.C0, I can rotate the torso to face the direction of mouse.
Every 0.8 seconds, the client fires to the server the C0 of the Waist.
The server validates it and fires it to the other clients.
The client would then adjust the torso of the client that fired it.
Now, back to the question. Is it better to use lerp or tween just to turn the previous C0 to the new C0 that was fired, performance-wise? This is in the context of having ~30 people in a server each firing their own C0s every 0.8 seconds.
Bonus question: would it be more efficient if I let the server have a queue of all the C0s?
Under the queue system, instead of validating and then firing individually after getting a new C0 from a player, is it better to just queue incoming C0s inside a table and then after every 0.8 seconds, fire that table to all the clients?
So the difference mostly here is that Lerp is for a very straight forward linear method to adjust the CFrame to a target CFrame, while TweenService allows you to get a custom but smooth method of doing this as you have an editable easing style & easing direction.
Efficiency-wise, I believe it’d be negligble or none at all in difference, didn’t test though.
For your bonus question, you should probably test it out and compare the results between not queuing and queuing.
Is there a tool to help with testing the difference in network strain between queuing and not queuing, or do I just look at the performance stats’ network receive and “eyeball” the difference?