TweenSize changing children's size aswell

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I want the frame to just show “ADMIN PANEL” after tweening its size.

Just like that:


  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Whilst tweening, both the parent AND the children are changing size. I reckon the issue is that i’ve scaled them depending on the parent’s size, but i don’t quite know how to scale them in any other way.


  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I’ve turned on ClipsDescendants while the panel is minimized, but of course that did not fix my current problem.

I understand that this might be some easy-to-fix problem, but I have not tried doing anything like this before.

Thanks :slight_smile:

You’ll need to keep the “ADMIN PANEL” TextLabel outside of the main Frame which stores everything else.

Personally I’d structure it like this:

  1. ScreenGui
  2. Main Frame
  3. Admin Panel Text Label
  4. Frame with your other objects

Admin Panel TextLabel & Frame w/other objects should both be stored separately in the Main Frame

Thanks for the response a ton! :grin:

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