TweenSize using Cubic easingStyle turns TextButton's size to zero for duration of tween

I am creating my own player list and I am including functionality for friending a player or blocking them when their name is clicked on the list. This includes a tween animation that pops out much like the current player list.

However, I instantly noticed that when using the Cubic style and TweenSize for the task, the
size of the TextButton would be zero for the duration of the tween, and then immediately with the size I wanted when the tween was set to finish. Text is still visible in some cases. There were no errors in the developer console and it does not seem to happen with other easingStyles.

The bug looks like this:

The same tween, using TweenService, and with the same style:

This only started happening to me within the last 10 hours when making this, and I’ve noticed it happens everytime I use TweenSize with the Cubic easingStyle, regardless of easingDirection. I have not used TweenSize frequently before today so I’m unsure if this issue existed previously.

Steps to repro:

  1. Create ScreenGui > Frame > TextButton
  2. LocalScript that uses the Cubic easingStyle along with TweenSize on the button to any size.

This happens both in game and in studio. I am using an up-to-date version of Windows 10 and the latest versions of both Studio and Roblox.

Very basic script replication of the issue:

while true do wait(5)
    script.Parent:TweenSize(, 0, 0.5, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic, 1, false)

Roblox place file containing the issue using the above code and a very basic and universal UI setup:
Baseplate.rbxl (21.6 KB)


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.

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Hi there, thanks for filing this bug report. Unfortunately, fixing it isn’t currently on the roadmap. The engineers recommended solution is to use TweenService

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