Introduction (1-A)
Ranks (2-A)
Training (3-A)
Developers (4-A)
High Council/High Ranks (5-A)
Rules (6-A)
Promotions (7-A)
Raids (8-A)
Points database (9-A)
Trainers (10-A)
Conclusion (11-A)
(1-A) Introduction:
Welcome to the official Twistanity Laboratories Laboratories handbook! This handbook will cover the essentials of the group, its purpose and overall how things work around here. I would like you all to keep in mind Twistanity has completely changed into a more like sci-fi group along with a complete new idea! This will be explained very soon. On a side note the max high ranks we can have all together is 20. 1 promoter, 1 manager, 8 trainers, 1 head of security, 6 board of directors, 1 executor, one Vice-Ceo and lastly one CEO.
(2-A) Ranks:
This is the section that pretty much explains every single rank and what they do, each rank has a max amount with a unique ability.
| Member - Standard join rank! In order to become a rank in the group you must read our promotion section of this handbook.
| Builder - You must be a basic builder and send an application to promoter.
| Builder Advanced - You must be an excellent builder and send an application to promoter.
| Scripter - You must be a basic scripter and send an application to promoter.
| Scripter Advanced - You must be an excellent scripter and send an application to promoter.
LR | Echelon 1 - This rank is acquired with 25 points.
LR | Echelon 2 - This rank is acquired with 50 points.
MR | Echelon 3 - This rank is acquired with 75 points.
MR | Echelon 4 - This rank is acquired with 100 points.
MR | Twistanians - This rank is a group of extremely disciplined and people who excel in combat, obbies ETC. This group of people will occasionally meet together and plan out group raids or place raids. In order to get this rank you must be a Echelon 4 and every month or so testing is held and the best Echelon 4’s will be promoted.
HR1 | Manager - This rank is responsible for the development division of the group games and anything to do with Twistanity games.
HR2 | Trainer - This rank mainly hosts training’s and is responsible for the main point of the group.
HR3 | Security/Developer Promoter - This rank will be responsible for logging points for the security division and promoting people to a builder rank or scripter rank.
HR4 | Head of security - This is one of the highest ranks that doesn’t run the group but instead the security division of the group, they can only hire new trainers along with introducing new things to the security division of Twistanity.
HC1 | Board of Directors - This is responsible for main changes to the group.
HC2 | Executor - Works with the CEO and Vice-CEO
| Hall of Fame - Retired members who have benefited the group massively
HC4 | Vice-CEO - Works alongside the CEO
HC4 | CEO - This rank obviously owns the group and runs it. (Board of Directors+ run the group itself)
(3-A) Training:
Training’s will randomly be held during the summer and during the school year it will be held only on the weekends and rarely during school days. These training’s will be held in order for you to be able to earn points and rank up however as previously said the highest you can go is to Echelon 4 in which if we think you are eligible for the next rank you will be promoted. However all the promotion stuff will be explained later in the handbook. The only people who are allowed to host training’s are Trainers and people who I give permission to but they must ask me before they do so, however I do not want 9 million requests to host training its the trainers job not yours. However there is one rank that can host training’s but only with permission from a trainer! Twistanians can host training’s if given permission by a trainer however that trainer must assist the training and supervise it along with helping them with the admin part as they don’t get admin so you would need to kick people if they ask ETC.
(4-A) Developers:
There is a completely different section of Twistanity its not all just training! However this is the building section of the group. It revolves around those who do better with scripting/building meaning you can be promoted! The builder rank requires you can at least build good enough, on how to be promoted that will be explained in the promotions section, builder advanced is the same thing but you must REALLY impress the person who is promoting you with a really advanced build. Same thing goes with scripting just scripting wise instead of building. Oh yes might I add that the manager is in charge of the Twistanity games! He hires developers and can request cash from group funds in order to pay his developers. It’s all up to him what the next game will be.
(5-A) High Council/High Ranks:
The High Council also known as “HC” is one of the highest ranks in the group. Unlike high ranks the High Council is above the high ranks however any rank above any rank is above that rank obviously it’s just plain sense just not in a huge power way. The high council is responsible for running the group in a massive way bringing completely new changes to the group and running it as a whole. The High Ranks are responsible for just doing a specific task instead of coming up with new ideas and running the group. For example trainers are high ranks they are meant to just host training’s however board of directors is high council and its responsible for hosting the most meeting’s and talking with everyone along with working alongside the executor and higher to come up with new ideas for the group. But in all I expect all the HR’s and HC’s to come together as a whole and communicate as a team.
(6-A) Rules:
This section will focus on the basic rules that every member is expected to follow and rules for specific ranks. The rules for everyone to follow is be respectful to your higher ups and follow standard Roblox rules. The rules for Members - Scripter Advanced is fairly simple, obviously just enjoy the fun while following common sense don’t do things that will get you in trouble, that goes for everyone pretty much. Rules for Echelon 1 - Twistanians are a bit more advanced, you are expected to act more and more mature as you go higher up however the requirements for Twistanians will be explained later. Mainly this is for the Echelons, you must use proper grammar the higher you go up and act like a proper security member. The rules for any high rank or any one part of high council is fairly simple. Don’t be an issue by admin abusing or any other sort of stupid things you think you might do. Respect your lower high ranks and people above you. I do not want to see high ranks fighting with each other. Rules for
(7-A) Promotions:
Here is probably the most important section of this entire handbook! Promotions, this will be mainly for everyone to understand. Shortly down below I will post each requirement for each and every rank and how to become that rank. Everyone in this group is required to follow this protocol and is never to free rank anyone unless you’re the CEO of course because the CEO can do whatever the heck he/she wants.
(If your looking to become a builder/scripter your applications must be sent to the promoter and must follow a simple pattern. Link them your game/model (GAME MUST BE OPEN OR MODEL MUST BE ON SALE) and they will review it personally give them at least 48 hours or 2 days before you resend another application. If your application was ignored it most likely meant they didn’t like it and you must try again with another build.)
Member: Just join the group obviously! This rank will most likely get special items at certain Twistanity games in the future however people not in the group won’t.
Builder: You must be a builder in order to get this rank! Some free models are acceptable as long as you don’t slaughter your place with 9 million free models. If the reviewer believes it’s good enough (It must be very basic or above) then they will rank you up. All applications go to the promoter rank in which they review your game and will rank you, do not spam them with messages otherwise you lost the chance and give them a while sometimes!
Builder Advanced: Oh boy if your looking to become this rank you must be best of the best. Your games must be really detailed NO FREE MODELS AT ALL and just outstanding. If the promoter is impressed with your game he will rank you to this rank.
Scripter: This is exactly like builder but you must have some simple knowledge of scripting such as being able to change a bricks color with script or make a brick go transparent or just simple while true do loops.
Scripter Advanced: If your looking for this rank you must be REALLY experienced with scripting. Such as on the level of front page game scripters or being able to make advanced things like trello APIs, datastores that are really advanced that can use GUI’s you get it. (Those are just the simple things) or more.
Echelon 1 - 4: You must have at least a certain amount of points which was explained in the ranks section however messaging the promoter is not needed! He logs the points into the database and when he can see someone has enough points he will rank them up.
Twistanians : In order to earn this rank you must be accepted personally by a trainer in which you must have the following, must at least be Echelon 4, top grammar, top maturity and you must excel in obbies and combat and lastly you must be well disciplined. This rank will be a very hard and important rank to get it will be the start of your career to the high ranks.
HR1 | Manager: In order to get this rank you must be accepted by the board of directors and must be able to manage development in games for the group.
HR2 | Trainer: To get this rank you must be accepted in by the head of security, the people likely to be choosed are Twistanians most likely however this is only when the HoS thinks your a perfect fit for the job.
HR3 | Security/Developer Promoter: Like manager this rank is required to have a heavy load with logging points for security and promoting builders/security members. By no means this rank has no power in promoting high ranks. In order to get this rank you must be picked by the executor or higher if we think your able to do work like this.
HR4 | Head of security: This rank is chosen by executor+ and you only earn it if we think you would be good with managing the trainer division and security division of the group pretty well as your in complete charge of it.
HC1 | Board of Directors: Board of Directors are chosen by the executor+ and you only earn it when we think you would be a good fit for managing the group as a whole.
HC2 | Executor: This rank will be carefully chosen and there can only be ONE executor. It is selected by Vice-CEO or higher and keep in mind executor+ is one of the highest ranks that have complete charge of the group and are expected to actually work and bring thing’s to Twistanity.
| Hall of Fame: Well no one can give you this rank only Vice-CEO+ can if we think you worked really hard in the group and you plan on retiring you can be ranked to this rank. This rank will get special items and will be honored tremendously.
HC4 | Vice-CEO: Works alongside the CEO and takes over the group when the CEO goes inactive or leaves (As of 3/24/18 SAD has went inactive and may be back around summer time depends). This rank is really hard to earn and there is only one. The rank must first off be open and the CEO is not obligated to give anyone the rank or isn’t required unless someone deserves this rank.
HC4 | CEO: Jealous?
(8-A) Raids:
This section is under work and will be managed by board of directors and Twistanians will be part of it. Basically we plan on having friendly raids on groups and depending on which group wins they get a special shout out or something like that. Twistanians of course are required to be really well with combat so that is why they are the only ones allowed in raids! They must all gather together and communicate. However they are not allowed to host raids but can defend the group if a hostile group is to come about attacking us. If they find a group to raid they must get in contact with the Board of Directors.
(9-A) Points database:
The points database is a extremely important part to the security division! Without it we wouldn’t be able to rank people up and decide who deserves a Echelon rank. Basically the only people who have access is the promoter rank along with Executor+ however it is the promoters job to log points NOT ANYONE ELSE AT ALL. They will be personally taught how to log points by me most likely as I am the only one who knows how to use it. The database is used on a google spreadsheet and the link will be posted right here (Keep in mind the database may be new at the time your reading this as it won’t have a lot of people it will be replaced with words like “Test123” instead of actual names to serve as an example for the database and how it works
pretty much) >
This is the trainer database! All point awaiting to be inputted into the database go here trainers and you can personally view it yourself! >
(10-A) Trainers:
This section is mainly based off for trainers so do not worry about it, however if you plan on being a future trainer or just want to understand what trainers do you can read this section feel free to. When you plan to host a training you must make a shout that looks like this “Training is at 3:50 PM EST! Make sure to head on down to the training base” however you like it but you must give at least a certain time period like 3 hours or so before training or even a day so people get time to notice the shout! Don’t be discouraged if people don’t show up it means the group is small so try inviting your friends or inviting people from the group do this until ads come out. Your expected to line everyone up, do the activities and while your doing these make sure to take note of each person who stands out to you or beats an activity like for example say SADENNING beats an obby write his name down. And depending on the notes you written down the people who did better with the harder obbies and did more things you give them more points its just self explanatory! Host the training how you want as long as your taking notes and know who to give points and how much they deserve. The max points you can give in a training is 5 points, 1 means they did terrible and 5 means they did REALLY REALLY AMAZING, great leadership, teamwork and communication skills along with great combat and maturity. Now after you have all your points gathered (which training’s are useless without points so I highly expect you gather them) you will be given access to a google document (I will talk with you about that and how it works personally) in which you go on and write the names down under your section and the promoter comes on and takes those points and inputs them into the database and then afterwards he must completely clear your section after logging them to show he did it! If you have any questions feel free to ask SADENNING as he is mainly managing this.
(11-A) Conclusion:
Well I think this was a good enough size for a handbook it explains the complete reform of Twistanity labs. If you have any questions feel free to ask the Vice-CEO or CEO by sending them a message. Everything in this handbook is 100% official until a new handbook is made and it is expected to be followed at all times, thank you for your time and LONG LIVE TWISTANITY.