- Adjusted probabilities of all risks
Tornado strength and width
Lightning - Adjusted how lapse rates effect storms
- Adjusted how dispersed storms are
- Days can now have overcast, partly cloudy, or clear skies
- Reworked atmosphere coloring
- Reintroduced morning fog
- Made rainwrap more dense
- Tornadoes over 300+ mph are now significantly more rare
- Lowered max cape and lapse
- Fixed probe number not updating properly in warehouse
- Fixed probes not being able to be picked up if probe health is at 0
- Fixed tornado sirens not sounding from user-generated polygons
- Fixed padding issues on damage points, track information, and probe menu
- Fixed water blur
- Fixed radar keybind breaking if exiting NWS while in towercam
- Fixed cinematic mode
- Fixed god warnings from TOREs
- Fixed towercam static not showing properly if tower fell
- Fixed various map bugs
- Fixed bridges not showing properly on radar
- Fixed TIV2 bolts falling off
- Fixed thermos not rising occasionally
- Added drones
- Added new intro music
- State park / dam stop gate will now open and close
- Upped volume of daytime ambience
- DOW scanned windspeeds will now show in KMH if in metric
- Added gas blip on radar to Badoura gas station
- Doghouse can now hold 2 probes
- Q and E will now change towercam direction
- Added compass to towercam
- Added nearest location to towercams
- Added EAS audio for Badoura
- Added various new DIs