Twitch Notifier [RELEASED]

[size=6]Trioxide’s Twitch Notifier[/size]


[li]ScreenGui notifications when desired stream goes live.[/li]
[li]3D SurfaceGui contraptions inform people about streams.[/li]
[li]Custom ‘display names’. (Can change the name shown in notifications and 3D things.)[/li]
[li]Doesn’t show notifications about mature streams. [/li]
[li]Can ‘notificate’ about as many channels as you want. [/li]
[li]Shows the viewer count and link to the stream[/li]
[li][size=2]And for the final feature, waiting for this to happen.[/size][/li]

Here’s another link to the model:

If you want to see Twitch Notifier in action before taking the model, visit here! I set it to track Monstercat.

If it breaks/errors, bug me about it.

yay <3

Original post:

[spoiler]Hey guys.

I made a thing which notifies when a certain twitch user starts a stream.


Even though there is a huge watermark in the way, you can still see what this gif is about. I think it’s pretty cool. :swag:

I’ll probably release this as a model when I’ve fixed a twitch related bug.

EDIT: Just noticed “WENT JUST LIVE”. Will make into “JUST WENT LIVE”
EDIT 2: New gif, thanks echo[/spoiler]

GifCam works nicely. Screenshotting programs like ShareX usually come with gif recorders too.

This is sweet! I remember posting that someone should totally make this.

I would totally use this. Awesome!

That is really cool.


Just in time for The Next Level! :smiley:

I would totally use this to promote ROBLOX twitch streams for random people… This is great!


1 Like

Derpy question. Is the link in the box clickable?

No. It’s impossible to open links and copy text to the clipboard from both Studio and the client :frowning:

I’m going to assume no, because we can’t force people to open pages in their browser, which is definitely a good thing.

Will we be able to change the Twitch name at the top to a custom Roblox username? I am fortunate enough to have the same name on Twitch as on Roblox, but there might be users with two completely different names, which might be confusing.

Actually in studio, as a plugin, you could use some API to open the browser I think, let me look.
Found it:
Function void GuiService:OpenBrowserWindow(string url) [RobloxScriptSecurity]
Can’t use it though :frowning:

(Actually scripts created by roblox, even in-game, would be able to use it. hint hint)

Good idea. Will add. +1

I wish this was possible.[/quote]

Would be kinda neat if there was a list of websites we could link to (i.e. twitter, youtube, roblox, twitch) and a method that would bring up a dialog asking if the user wants to open that page (much like that asking you if you want to buy a game pass/dev product). That way we can be sure no one makes them open malicious links, but we can still implement some nice functionality with GUIs like this. :slight_smile:

Rescripted most of the serverside to make it better.

This is what the configuration table looks like as of now:


Set displayName as nil and the notification will show the channel name.[/spoiler]

And for the final update before release: a video.


Really cool, although I would personally like if it popped up in the bottom right corner instead of the middle. Mainly because it don’t draw that much attention as it does when it appears right in your face. But then again maybe you want that attention to the twitch advertisement.

I just prefer to have advertisement as a secondary thing if even at all when the place that the user visits is the actual focus. Not a big thing, really cool regardless.


[quote] Really cool, although I would personally like if it popped up in the bottom right corner instead of the middle. Mainly because it don’t draw that much attention as it does when it appears right in your face. But then again maybe you want that attention to the twitch advertisement.
:slight_smile: [/quote]

The place owner can choose where it pops up. :slight_smile:

I am currently fixing adding the last touches and fixing every bug that’s left.

If anybody wants to see this thing live, I’m testing it here:

I’ll shutdown a lot ok