Two collaborate tabs

Not too big of an issue but, when opening studio, I and some others noticed that there are two collaborate tabs.
I doubt someone hasn’t already noticed this, but I couldn’t find any posts on it.
(This happens on all of my systems, with beta features turned off)

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Pretty sure this only happens when you open a .rblxm file, at least in my case. Could you confirm? @KinderHSPVA

Pretty sure it’s a good way to repro the issue.

Nope, happens every time for me.

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Hi - Thanks for noting this, we believe we know the issue and should have a rollfoward fix early next week.


Another small thing I forgot to say, (this is unrelated, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to add a whole different topic just for this) the cursor is wrong when I hover over the top of studio (I don’t know what it’s called, but look a the attached video for reference.

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I’ve noticed this too, it began happening in the past few weeks but is hard to reproduce for me. Does it happen all the time for you?

I suggest filing a separate bug report with proper repro steps.

I have the same issue as well. Thanks for mentioning this. Because it is very annoying to deal with.

I agree with the other replies, please file a separate bug report so we can assign someone to look at this. Thanks for the reports.

As for the original bug, a fix has just been rolled out! Please let us know if you encounter this issue again.