- What do you want to achieve?
I want to have two or more functions that would normally block each other to run on a coroutine that runs every heartbeat. My previous implementation that worked was putting a while true do loop for both functions inside of a spawn function, however, using spawn function is not ideal for obvious reasons, and I heard that while true do should be avoided in favor of Heartbeat when possible.
- What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
Here is the relevant code block:
-- made appropriate initializations, important ones below:
local rate = 1 / 30
local lastRelease = 0
local timeElapsed = 0
--other local functions here including emitLightning, createcloud, and supplements to createcloud
local gc = clouds:GetChildren()
wait (1)
local function func1()
local gc = clouds:GetChildren()
local angle = math.atan((-baseWind.Z * 1.2) / 400)
local t1, t2 = wait(rate)
if lastRelease < t2 then
createcloud(Vector3.new(math.random(limits[1].x, limits[2].x), math.random(limits[1].y, limits[2].y), math.random(limits[1].z, limits[2].z)))
local desiredMax = 10
local desiredMin = 0
local alpha = 3
local beta = 1
cloudsPerSecond = generatorModule.generateNumber(alpha, beta, desiredMin, desiredMax) * 2 * -((workspace.GlobalWind.Z-10)/75)
lastRelease = t2 + 1 / cloudsPerSecond
for i, v in pairs(gc) do
local speed = string.sub(v.Name,11)
v.CFrame = v.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, 0, -speed * rate)
local lightningclou = v:FindFirstChild("HasLightning")
if lightningclou then
if math.random() < 0.01 then
if v.Position.z - v.Size.Z / 2 < respawnZ then
local function func2()
for i=1,gustIntervals do
local f = math.sin(math.pi * dgf * i)
workspace.GlobalWind = baseWind + f * gust
xwind = (baseWind + f * gust) * 1.2
zwind = (baseWind + f * gust) * 1.2
workspace.GlobalWind = baseWind
xwind = baseWind * 1.2
zwind = baseWind * 1.2
WindChangeEvent:FireAllClients(xwind.X, zwind.Z)
local waitbreeze = math.random()*gustCycleDelay
gustCycleDelay = math.random(4, 10)
gust = Vector3.new(math.random(0, 50) - 25, 0, -math.random(0, 40))
gustCycleDuration = math.random(3, 10)
gustIntervals = 100
dg = gustCycleDuration / gustIntervals
dgf = dg / gustCycleDuration
There is the error: attempt to compare number < nil on the line below:
if lastRelease < t2 then
- What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I tried defining local lastRelease = 0 as a global, however, that did not solve the problem. Keep in mind that the code inside func1 and func2 worked when inside of a while true do loop which was then inside of a spawn function.