Two identically colored meshes don't look the same

Howdy fellow developers,

I’ve been recreating Frank’s Commissioner office from the TV series called “Blue Bloods”, however as I was making the doors and its handles, I noticed that they don’t look the same, color wise.

Keep in mind both of them have exactly the same color, and I am also not using custom PBR or a custom texture on it.

Here’s what it looks like when I have it in the office;

And here’s what it looks like when I move it out of the office;

I assume this is caused by lighting however I don’t really have any special hacks to bypass a limitation, only point and spotlights.

Thank you if any of you have a clue of what this could be.

I also noticed that it’s fixed when you are on the lowest graphics.

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This happens often to me. I have a neutral lit grayboxed baseplate where I do my mesh imports and model assembly and the color/appearance is uniform.

When I take anything from there into any other build though, I do get issues and especially with metal. Skybox/lighting/atmosphere cause that effect for me depending on their various settings. In cases where it is very obvious I’ll switch to surface appearance instead of materials.

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What is the render fidelity at?

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Both are set to automatic. It doesn’t change when I set it to precise.

Then this is probalby something to do with future lighting. You could try adjusting the light

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What exactly could I adjust?


I don’t know you can try and adjust the brightness or range

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I disabled all the lights in the room and still got the same result. It only gets fixed when I move the doors into the outside world with nothing surrounding it.

I tried that, and it still doesn’t work

(SurfaceAppearance metal texture)

Do you see any difference if you change diffuse/specular settings and color shift top/bottom?

I’m curious to see if diffuse/specular at 0,0 looks different on those pieces than if you have them at 1,1 (or any positive value).

Another thing to try would be toggling global shadows on/off to see how that affects it. I would guess turning them off would make them look like they do if you have them facing outside.

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try turning castshadows off on some parts casting shadows onto the door

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Alright, so it looks like changing the diffuse/specular value to 0 fixes the issue, however there must be a way to fix this, right?

Setting the diffuse/specular value to 0 gets rid of some beautiful light reflections and messes up my outside buildings:

0 value:

1 value:

It makes quite the difference.

This might sound like a strange request, but I wonder if trying a clear sky with spec/diffuse settings on might help? You can also try .5 vs 1 for each setting, and neutral values for top/bottom colorshift and see if that helps keep the effect you want. There are a lot out there on the marketplace, so you have a lot to choose from but this one is rated well:

Realistic Clear Sky

That’s exactly the skybox I’m using coincidentally :joy:

Do you have dynamic clouds added to your terrain? I know clouds have density but I’m not sure if they affect lighting or not. Trying to narrow down any possibilities.

I did forget to mention brightness in the lighting properties. Maybe try low brightness + minimal specular and/or diffuse?

Oh, and for skyboxes - does this effect you are seeing happen with any skybox you are using?

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I decided to screw it and remake them from scratch, it’s fixed now.

Thank you for your dedication either way.

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