Two identifier problems

  1. I wanted to make a creature that followed the player when you got too close to it.

This is a screenshot of the code:

  1. Then, it says two errors.
    At line 3, it says “Expected identifier when parsing expression, got ‘local’” and another on line 26, which was “Expected identifier when parsing expression, got ‘)’”

  2. None, all seem to have the same problem but in another way.

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You cannot do this:


You’re writing code within a function’s parameters

So? Thats what im trying to do here. I want the script to recieve a fire and execute that code.

That’s not how that works, you have to listen to the BindableEvent’s Event signal:

   --... your code in here

Aight, thanks pal. Im not really good at scripting, but the second problem still isnt solved.

For the second problem, this:


Should be removed

When removed, it still causes another problem.
“Expected ‘end’ (to close ‘function’ at line 2), got ; did you forget to close ‘do’ at line 16?” is what it says now, in line 25 and 26.

Send a screenshot of what your code looks like now


Add end) after this:


Thanks, not really good at scripting after all.

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