Two Major Roblox Weapons fixed

Hello, this is a thread that is part of the LoadLibrary failure that has cause MANY roblox catalog gears to malfunction.

As of now, I would like to present the two roblox weapons, in free model use, that are fully functional or FIXED:

Fusion Galtling Blaster : Fixed Broken Weapons: Fusion Gatling Blaster - Roblox

Rainbow Blaster: Fixed Broken Weapons: Rainbow Blaster - Roblox

These models are free to use anytime when making a simulator or a tycoon.

Let me guys know if you have any concerns whatsoever, or what gear should I fix next.

Please note : The models are NOT mean’t to copy and paste Roblox’s official for sale. The models are supposed to show everybody the main weapons that are fixed and should be noticed by Roblox so they can no longer broken gear.

All weapons act on how they are supposed to act according to the Official Description from Roblox, no changes have been made.


Great job! I see that it did malfunction (a friend told me about the error) and you have fixed it.


Can you share the error so the rest of us can fix it?

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I don’t have the error, as I said I found out about it because a friend told me about it.

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To fix gears with LoadLibrary, do the following:

DESTROY the LoadAssset/RbxAsset Variable, DESTROY the Create Variable.
Replace the Create variables that are being used in the scripts with, and set the non local variable name with the instance’s properties and remove the commas and curly brackets.


RbxAsset = LoadLibrary() ← Destroy this.

Create = RbxAsset(‘new instance’) ← Destroy this.


examplemesh = Create(‘Mesh’){
Name = ‘Example’,
Parent = Example


examplemesh =‘Mesh’)
examplemesh.Name = ‘Example’
examplemesh.Parent = Example

Do it how many times you need to do it, and its fixed.


Does this fix all weapons that are broke?

Only if you see an error that says: “Attempt to call instance with nil” or something related to that. That gear is currently suffering LoadLibrary problem.

This method should work, and should fix hundreds of broken roblox gear.

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This is awesome!

It is a little unfortunate to see that roblox gears themselves are becoming more and more depreciated, even when they’ve been on this platform for a long, long time now. Thanks for doing this anyway!

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Can you try fixing a few gears for me, ill pay

Hello, What kind of Gears should I fix for you? Please list them and I can get them worked and fixed.
for starts, the other after looking at them don’t really have things I need, idk if it is possible, but if you could check that flamethrower and see if it only burns unanchored parts, trying to make a car vs train game and need things that go boom

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That flamethrower itself is pretty old, so a lot of the code is pretty outdated.

Might have to completely rescript it or something?

Good news! I made sure that the flamethrower only burns anchored parts, and not other players besides you. I also added a feature when putting unanchored object on fire will tumble them down. Anything else should I add?

kinda wanted only unanchored parts to be able to burn, maybe spread the fire

robloxapp-20210112-1309091.wmv (1.7 MB)

Here is the following it can do:

-Shoot at a bit long range
-Spread fire to other workspace descendants
-Tumble down parts that burn
-Can only burn unanchored parts and not players nor anchored parts.

Look at the video if you approve this or not.

ignoring how fast it burns, and how some of the flame disappears, that is really good

Here you go, let me know if you have questions or concerns.

@Minecrablox You might like to fix this weapons (or maybe just adapt them to R15)

Or even this (they are so broken):

Atomizer and Ultimate Drive Speedster are definitely not broken, at least I used them a week ago. Maybe it’s because you tried to use them in R15?