Two new items missing catalog pages (Multiple Items)

IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature is commonly used to hide items meant for testing internally, items restricted to specific people without it having an entry on the catalog, or items that have just not released yet. However the items that are included in the list are items that were meant to release and have catalog pages

This issue applies to multiple items
Red Scarf
Trident Amulet

Reproduction Steps
Try to click the link to access one of these items

Expected Behavior
There’s a catalog page for the item which you can view on the website.

(Mock-up I made of what it would look like if it functioned properly)

Actual Behavior
Due to not having a catalog page it redirects you back to the main catalog page when you try to click it

Issue Area: Catalog Assets/Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: Item Upload Date
Date Last Experienced: Current Date


Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket for this in our internal database.

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Unfortunately I can confirm that the “Red Scarf” item is still facing this issue.

Just this week I had redeemed the code for the item from the toy I bought, and the item is hidden in my inventory due to this feature, so I’m unable to actually equip it onto my avatar. (Roblox Support keeps saying that I own the item and should be able to see it but I don’t.)

Can the “Red Scarf” accessory also be fixed as well?

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