Two players sharing one vehicle - Network Ownership and reducing lag?

My game has multiple players sharing a single vehicle, the two most important being the person driving and the person shooting. Giving network ownership to the drivers makes the gunners have more input lag and camera stuttering. Giving it to the gunners has the same effect on the driver. Trying to force it to neutral is almost the worst of both worlds for either of them.

I think the best solution is to give the gunners ownership while giving the drivers local control of the tank that updates its movements to the server, but its not that simple. Just cloning the movement inputs will probably cause desyncs between the server/player, and manually setting the position will make movement choppy.

Will this even work, and is this the way to go? Please give advice and material I should check because I can’t find much similar to this.

Hello there! :smile:

Basically you already told the best solution in one of your paragraphs, as you said I think the best solution is to give the gunners ownership while giving the drivers local control of the tank that updates its movements to the server Basically that work’s enough if you script your vehicle and your weapon. :hear_no_evil:

Whats the best way to deal with this though?

This thread covers this exact topic.

I even built a demo!