These two buttons to be invisible
I’m making a tycoon game and I got a problem with the dependency, the 2 buttons in the second floor are visible which they shouldn’t be, the dependency are on the first two dropper buttons on the second floor which should appear after buying the conveyor but these two buttons are already visible when you claim the tycoon everything else is working fine but these two aren’t for some reason does anyone know how to fix it?
I asked help from discord which didn’t help and I haven’t found anything from devforum, but if you know a topic with the same reason then please send it.
q1. Isn’t Transparency property exists?
q2. Is it visible too in the studio while not play-testing?
a1. using the transparency on the button wont ever make it visible when buying which is something not easy for you to understand
a2. everything is visible on studio and everything start working when the game starts
Try changing ‘The object that must be before the button can exist’
maybe you gave these two conveyors the same name if you are storing item data in a stringValue
if i make the the object that must be before the button can exist it would be visible even without the floor and i dont want that to happend,
and no they are not named the same and the first one is on another folder and you cant buy it it already exists it name is Conveyorbelt and the second floor one name is Conveyorbelt2 and it can be purchased when you get to the second floor
There must be a code that appears the button, do you use a loop in this code?
Two things.
- A loop might be causing this error as for some reason studio HATES loops and will do anything to make you use an alternate solution. Anything. Including making bugs like these, giving ‘exhausted allowed execution time’ errors whatever that is supposed to mean, etc etc.
(at least for me it does) - Have you made sure that in the code to make the button dissapear, you have:
a. Set canCollide tofalse
b. set canTouch tofalse
c. Set Transparency to 1
and for the code that makes it appear, you have:
a. Set canCollide totrue
b. set canTouch totrue
c. set Transparency to 0
If you haven’t, there’s your error.
If you have, it might be a problem with your RBXScriptSignal part that fires either the dissapear part of the code to late or the appear part of the code too early.
yes there is a code, the button should appear when the player purchase the button before it, i do use loops
yes i do use loops and i dont really know how to fix what are you talking
of course this is included in my script, all the buttons are working fine exept for the two ones on the picture
and for the RBXScriptSignal i dont really know whats that
here’s the full script of the tycoon:
local TycoonModel = script.Parent.Parent
local items = {}
local RepStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local BoughtItems = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("BoughtItems")
local Buttons = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("Buttons")
local MainItems = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("MainItems")
local DropperParts = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("DropperParts")
local Values = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("Values")
local Scripts = TycoonModel:FindFirstChild("Scripts")
local GamepassesValues = RepStorage:WaitForChild("GamepassesValues")
local x2MoneyVal = GamepassesValues:FindFirstChild("x2Money")
local Mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local GDid = 1538122583
local x2money = 122285430
local config = script.Parent.Parent.Configuration
local TycoonClone = TycoonModel:Clone()
TycoonClone.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Values.OwnerValue.Value == nil then
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player:FindFirstChild("OwnsTycoon").Value == false then
Values.OwnerValue.Value = player
player:FindFirstChild("OwnsTycoon").Value = true
while wait() do
MainItems.OwnedDoor.MainDoor.SurfaceGui.ClaimText.Text = tostring(Values.OwnerValue.Value).." Tycoon"
MainItems.OwnedDoor.MainDoor.Transparency = 0.5
for i, v in pairs(Buttons:GetChildren()) do
local NewItem = BoughtItems:FindFirstChild(v.Item.Value)
if NewItem ~= nil then
items[NewItem.Name] = NewItem:Clone()
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.Transparency = 1
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal1.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal2.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal3.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal4.Transparency = 1
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.CanCollide = false
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.CanCollide = false
v.Circle.TitleGui.MoneyTitle.Visible = false
v.Circle.TitleGui.NameTitle.Visible = false
v.Circle.LightCore.PointLight.Brightness = 0
if v:FindFirstChild("Dependency") then
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.Transparency = 1
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal1.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal2.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal3.Transparency = 1
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal4.Transparency = 1
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.CanCollide = false
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.CanCollide = false
v.Circle.TitleGui.MoneyTitle.Visible = false
v.Circle.TitleGui.NameTitle.Visible = false
v.Circle.LightCore.PointLight.Brightness = 0
if BoughtItems:WaitForChild(v.Dependency.Value, 100000) then
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.Transparency = 0
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.Transparency = 0
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal1.Transparency = 0.2
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal2.Transparency = 0.2
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal3.Transparency = 0.2
v.Circle.GradientCylinder.Decal4.Transparency = 0.2
v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.CanCollide = true
v.BrickParts.BrickPart2.CanCollide = true
v.Circle.TitleGui.MoneyTitle.Visible = true
v.Circle.TitleGui.NameTitle.Visible = true
v.Circle.LightCore.PointLight.Brightness = 2
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if Values.OwnerValue.Value == player then
if v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.Transparency == 0 and v.BrickParts.BrickPart1.CanCollide == true and v:FindFirstChild("Price") then
if player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Money").Value >= v.Price.Value then
player.leaderstats.Money.Value -= v.Price.Value
items[v.Item.Value].Parent = BoughtItems
elseif v:FindFirstChild("RPrice") then
Mps:PromptProductPurchase(player, GDid)
Mps.ProcessReceipt = function(reciptInfo)
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(reciptInfo.PlayerId)
if reciptInfo.ProductId == GDid then
items[v.Item.Value].Parent = BoughtItems
return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet
local Debounce = false
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if Values.OwnerValue.Value == player then
if Debounce == false then
Debounce = true
local MoneyMulty = player:WaitForChild("RebValues"):FindFirstChild("MoneyMulty")
player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Money").Value += Values.MoneyValue.Value * MoneyMulty.Value * x2MoneyVal.Value
Values.MoneyValue.Value = 0
Debounce = false