- New map
- Huge expansion underway
- 2 rivers leading to Sunderland and Newcastle.
- Added 3 Fire Stations based in Sunderland area
- Removed certain objects that were causing problems for road users.
- Improved pathways
Update Log
Version 0.2:
Version 0.1:
- Improved some roads and layouts.
- Continued more work on the interior of the fire station (Byker)
- Removed a few buildings
Version 0.2:
- Improved floorings on first and second floor in Byker Fire Station
- Road access towards the back yard of the fire station is now possible
- More Interior work in Fire Station
- Improved some pavements (paths) but not all areas are the same (just yet)
- Invisible wall is now placed over fences/brick walls at the back of the station to prevent trespassers
- Rework on housing estates now continue.