Type-mismatch mistakenly occurring in comments within Script-editor

In the script-editor, it is possible to get errors within blocks of comments, namely
type-mismatch number and nil.

The lower the line that could potentially cause that error lies within a comment-block, the greater the red line indicating the error will move upward.

This bug occurs in Studio, within the script-editor.


Screenshot, with further 7 newlines added before the first line of code shown in the previous screenshot:


This can be reproduced with certain code that induces that error, wrapped within comment blocks:

  1. Create a script anywhere within Studio, view it in the script-editor
  2. paste certain code within a comment-block, i.e code that throws the error:
exemplar code

local a, b
local c, d
local e, f 
local g, h

-- error should be below this, this specific comment is inconsequential 

  1. the error should be visible

The exact date this started occurring is unknown.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?

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