Type of virus / glitch on my studio?

its appearing in game.players a leaderstat

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I don’t think you get what backdoors are? They have nothing to do with accounts. What’s causing it is either a plug-in or a model.


Right click on that and press ShowInExplorer.

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try clicking Shift+Ctrl+F and in the search bar write getfenv and you can check if any scripts that contain this word because this word is commonly used by viruses

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shows nothing i might need roblox support idk

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use this when play testing…

didnt work idk why . . . . . . .

i did require and it didnt work too

or try setfenv,getfenv,reverse,load

none worked for some reason i dont understand

try opening another place without any models,scripts or plugins

send me the game link imma check it out

the game is in my banned acc idk what game

its banned a year ago so i cant appeal

the last thing you can do is reinstall roblox studio

already tried i probably need roblox support or something

  1. Check for lines with the words: getfenv, require, LastSync
  2. Go to where the gui is in test mode and see what it is called, get out of test mode, then search the name of that gui and see if you can find it.
  3. Check your plugins
  4. Check Hidden objects in roblox studio.

If you have any scripts that have the words getfenv, require, Last Sync. Send me a picture of the script and I can help you.

Reinstalling roblox studio is NOT going to help.

Edit: Check for lines that say “Instance.new” as it could just be a random script in workspace or serverscriptservice that is inserting a message on the screen.

Make sure to check for the actual text that it states in your scripts “The next dictator”, as it is probably a script inserting a message on your screen.


If it happens on every new baseplate, it’s most likely a fake or malicious plugin. Disable them all and see if it still happens. Else it might be your pc, run a virus scan, even though it’s very, very unlikely, maybe not even possible

I had a similar issue long ago, and it was a plugin. I have deleted all of them and reinstalled studio, it was gone.

the plugin is on my banned acc so i cant do it i need an appeal but its been over 30 days so its probablu not possible

This is an old ROBLOX feature that was used to countdown or show an announcement. If you used ANY FREE MODELS DELETED THEM! This issue is commonly found among free models or scripts. If you did not add this a model or script did. Please check through everything before you add a free model or script.

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