Typed parenthesis needs to be ignored when they're autofilled

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When I type into a script it’ll autofill text for me which is great. The problem is that I’m used to some other editors where it’ll autofill the parenthesis for me, and when I (out of habit) press parenthesis myself it’ll ignore that parenthesis because it’s already been autofilled for me.

Basically I want it to ignore me adding a parenthesis after it’s just autofilled parenthesis for me. The amount of times I’ve messed this up far exceeds the amount of times I’ve needed to actually add a parenthesis (if this feature was implemented you could still add parenthesis, you’d just have to make sure it’s not immediately after autofill places one for you)


I KEEP getting this!


Always happens to me

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Honestly relatable.

Please slide the cursor to the left one character if I type a parenthesis before an auto-filled one.

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