TypeWriter effect goes too slow

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Make the typewriter effect to show properly and go at a normal speed

  2. What is the issue?
    Typewriter effect is too slow

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried to set the settings of the speed of it, but it does not work

btw I used the typewriter effect from this post in developer hub, I don’t know how did this managed to happen

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Looking through this, it seems the default delay between each character appearing is 200ms

any solution for that? :thinking:

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Change it to something lower than 200ms

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i think this is enough right?
but it’s still not working

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i meant still slow


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Wait has a minimum time of 0.03 seconds, so any value below that just acts the same as 0.03. As for why it’s slow, won’t really know unless you provide more information which is critically missing from this thread. For example, what does your object hierarchy look like? What script type are you using?

Show me the module that you have in replcatedstorage


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Your delay is a hexidecimal value, consider changing that

uh it was a mistake when taking screenshot, it wasn’t like that :sweat_smile:

Well just change the waits down below to your specific wait time

i changed it to this, but it’s still not working, is that i am doing something wrong?

I will have to try it myself when I wake up

okay thanks


wait(0.001) isn’t going to wait 1ms. As has already been pointed out above, the minimum wait time for basic wait() is around 30ms (2 frames). Using RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() should be about twice as fast (60 chars per second). The only way to have it display faster than 60 cps is to add multiple characters per frame.

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

I am using LocalScript for the GUI’s typewriter, i used the MoudleScript for the moudle itself

i tried to use RunService.RenderedStepped:Wait() like this

but it have a error like this:

i also tried to definite the β€œRunService” in the script

What did you define RunService as?

the same as the MoudleScript, local RunService=game:GetService("RunService")