Does this work for wavey text effects? I wanna know if you have styles implemented into this system, or a way to make the text look fun other than plain old typewriter effects.
This is just for text that was input by the end user, not your static game text.
We mentioned this in case someone has an implementation that strictly send every potential display text into filter, including those in-between display status of typewriter effect. I just removed the confusing term and text filtering will not get impacted if you never considered case above.
Oh, I see now. Thank you for clarifying
Any reason why it’s not on mobile? I pushed an update out to my game using this feature and on mobile it doesn’t work. It works on desktop.
Could you send the mobile client version? It should be at the bottom of the settings menu/help.
Normally mobile client could run several versions behind and we will give a notice here in the post about when it could be used. We will suspend the functionality for now in case people accidentally push updates like this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Note that this feature is not live yet. As stated in the post, it would be enabled in a week or so. We will give an update here when it is live across all platforms so that you can safely push updates that can be delivered to all platforms. Thanks.
Any updates about when it’s coming out?
I know it says 1 week but it’s been 10 days, just curious about it.
I don’t want roblox to do another clouds phase 1(or 0 idk) moment, where they say 1 week but 3 weeks later.
Currently it is scheduled either this Friday or next Monday. Depending on our release schedule. Thanks for your patience.
Awesome, thanks for the confirmation!
Looks like it’s active now on the Client
Hi developers, we have turned on this on production so that you can test and prepare for your game’s updates. Note that a small portion of iOS clients are still on an older client version that does not contain the change. (Users need to manually update to latest version from the app store in order to get the update.) So you might want to wait some time before pushing a change or use pcall
to be safe.
Last night, I used the MaxVisibleGraphemes property with AutomaticSize enabled. It turns out that the text frame will not automatically rescale depending on how many graphemes are visible.
Is this a bug? Not sure if I should be posting over here or on the AutomaticSize thread.
Grapheme Bug.rbxm (5.1 KB)
Nice! This is great for a person like me, who would want to make the text scroll a little bit better, considering that text won’t resize itself constantly while the typewriter effect is happening.
I’ve seen it happen multiple times, especially during story games. Now, we can make the text look cleaner and nicer on ALL devices, thanks to the Roblox Dev Team.
This is happening because AutomaticSize
goes based off of how many graphemes there are, not how many are visible.
Question, involving Animating Text (, how would you insert a playername into it? Normally it is just player.Name … “, welcome!” but now with all these [[ and ]] what would I do?
you could still concatenate string normally with
local displayText = [[<font color="#ff0000">]] .. player.Name .. [[</font>, welcome!]]
And then count the glyph as usual using the module provided.
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