Typing fast removes/shifts around characters

Upon typing at a fast rate, text inputs seem to glitch out and remove some characters when typing. This can range from place title/description all the way to browing the toolbox. Not only is this irritating, but also a pain to do, as I have to type slowly and re-correct every word that gets jumbled up.

Beta Features Enabled: every beta feature (except: Next Gen Studio & Explorer, Avatar Auto Setup, CreateAssetAsync, New LuaU type solver and Studio Camera Controls.)

Expected behavior

Expected Behaviour:
Regardless of typing speed, all characters should still be in the order you typed them in.

Current Behaviour:
Fast typing either removes or shifts the placement of some characters.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Publish a place.
  2. Try typing at a fast pace in the description box.
  • This also happens in other parts of Studio, however place publish text inputs are experiencing the issue more frequently.

A private message is associated with this bug report


I second this and it’s been happening for years now (For me I always notice it when typing fast in the Create New Place / Asset name field).

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

Looking into this, are you seeing this problem happening on Windows or Mac?

Also, can you give it a try with all betas disabled and see if the problem still happens? I’ve given it a try myself but I haven’t been able to reproduce this problem.


Sorry for the very late reply, haven’t been active on the forums as much lol
This is happening on Windows.
I’ll disable the beta features and give it a go though.

The issue is still persistent, despite having all the betas disabled.

Thanks for the update, I’ll continue looking into it and let you know once I learn something. Currently no ETA on a fix.

I’m also having trouble reproducing this at all. Can you give me the specs of the computer you’re encountering it on? also cc @blowup999 if you could do the same that’d be great.