Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread [Closed]

In the section for PlayerGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition() it says that it returns a list of GuiObjects, but it would be helpful if it gave more detail. It actually returns a sorted list, based on which GUI objects are rendered on top - Something that makes this function significantly more practically useful to people considering using it.

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‘Bathroom’ item in the list says:

Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is a bathroom.

This should be changed to:

Sound reverb is changed to sound like the player is in a bathroom.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this partly a joke.

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Syntax mistake in the VRService code example.

The line in question:

print(typ.Name + " changed. Updated Frame: " + value)

Using ‘+’ to concatenate strings is not valid Lua. It works in other languages such as C++ though. The line should instead use Lua’s concatenation, like so:

print(typ.Name.." changed. Updated Frame: "..value)

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Formatting error for getfenv()

On AnimationClipProvider | Roblox Creator Documentation,
the word “Povides” in the description is misspelled.

Article 17 has an issue, link also contains these parantheses so it doesn’t open up if I don’t remove it from the url.


Under “why bind actions contextually” it says “in the context of the action begin performed” instead of “being performed”

On roblox docs, the article about metatables on both __lt and __le the symbols of the greater than and greater than / equal have the greater than sign replaced with less than sign.

The operators seem to have been taken by HTML tags


Typo of “DevForum”

Creating an Animation is titled as Building a Hinged Door on the Tutorials page.

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TextBox.FocusLost description is misleading. It shares the same definition as TextBox.Focused



Using MicroProfiler page forgets the “m” in problem

Same page also lacks the continuing reference of “it” in front of will

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Remove the double brackets on the comment:

On the SpringConstraint page under summary of properties constraint is misspelled in damping

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I’m pretty sure you need them for multi-line comments without adding a -- to each line.


Hi Developers,

We want to thank you for reporting all of these issues. We have now resolved all issues and are now closing this thread.

If you wish to flag any new Documentation issues, please comment in the new thread if you don’t have permissions to use the reporting tool.

Thank you.