Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

Hey Developers,

In order to make the process of fixing typos and minor edits easier and more streamlined, this thread shall be the place to post all such requests for 2023 and onward. Don’t forget to link the relevant pages in your post!

What is a “typo”?

  • A typographical mistake, or an error in typing
  • Misspelled, swapped or repeated words

What are “minor edits”?

  • Grammar fixes
  • Broken links, such as article/Some Missing Article or class/Whoops
  • Re-ordering or re-organizing existing content
  • Changes that don’t affect the meaning of existing content
  • Any other edit that takes 5 minutes or less to fix

What should NOT be posted in this thread?

  • Code sample related issues – syntax, logic or runtime errors – including small variable name typos.
  • Errors in data types, function/event parameters or other API stuff
  • Deprecation/removal of existing API members
  • Missing or incorrect documentation, even if it’s just a short description
  • Anything else where the change needs more than just English skills to verify and fix

If your request falls under either of these two categories, then please post it here instead of creating a new thread. Additionally, we can’t guarantee a direct response to everything posted in this thread – but you will be heard nonetheless.

Thank you for helping us improve the Creator docs!

P.S. Links to threads posted before this that should otherwise have been posted here are also welcome.


This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

There are multiple typos in Constructing the House, under Photogrammetry.

There is also a long run-on sentence in Constructing the House, under Beginning with a 2D Layout.


There is a formatting error in the LaunchData section of the documentation of the method Player:GetJoinData():
Player | Roblox Creator Documentation

The text for the example link goes off of the screen. This has happened since the new documentation website was released. Making this multi-line, wrapped, or scrollable text will fix the issue.


An example code snippet on Mouse.Hit uses the deprecated CFrame.p instead of CFrame.Position:

Mouse | Roblox Creator Documentation


In the “Class Modifiers” section of the string documentation, there is a typo:

“th” should be corrected to “the” if I’m not wrong.
string | Roblox Creator Documentation


I believe that is correct. nth (enth like tenth) is used as a sort of placeholder for 1st or 2nd or 3rd etc, for example googling “finding the nth term of a sequence” will lead to an article describing how to find the nth term of a sequence, not the nthe term of a sequence.

But, after the reading the explanation on the page it seems a bit confusing, like what does it even mean to match a substring equal to the 1st captured string? There are no examples of use %n on the page either, so I really don’t know what the correct (or less confusing) explanation would be.


True. This could possibly be labeled as a minor edit suggestion. It’s confusing how they used the code format for ‘n’.


I belive its supposed to mean, since n is a number in this case, that the 'th is added to make it more gramatically correct, like in 4th, 5th and 6th for example.
It did take me a second to understand though, so I think they could reword it.


There is an unintentional space before the period in this documentation about SoundService:


All of the highlighted typos / possible errors in this post are from the Player object documentation page, as of February 8th, 2023.

For reference, any text that is bold within the “Recommended Edits” portion of each section indicates where something was changed from the original text.

Section #1 - Player object description

In the first sentence of the description of the Player object, a word is missing between “object” and “a”.

Recommended Edit:

A player object is a client that is currently connected.

In the third paragraph, the word “service” is missing after the hyperlink to the Players documentation page. Adding the word “service” for clarification would make it easier to understand and would keep it consistent with the 2 other sentences where the service is referenced on its own.

Recommended Edit:

There are several similar methods in the Players service for working with Player objects.

Section #2 - Player.AutoJumpEnabled property description

In the second sentence of the second paragraph, An apostrophe is missing after the word “Character”, which would be needed to show that it’s talking about an individual Character’s Humanoid.

Recommended Edit:

Then, this property determines the value of the Humanoid.AutoJumpEnabled property of the Player.Character’s Humanoid on spawn.

Section #3 - Player.CharacterAppearanceId property description

In the first sentence of the description, the hyperlink to the Character section of the page wasn’t added and its code block was not closed off at the correct spot. This also caused the hyperlinks to the Player object and Player.UserId property to be incorrectly formatted in the second sentence.

Recommended Edit:

This property determines the user ID of the account whose character appearance is used for a player’s Character. By default, this property is the Player's Player.UserId, which uses the player’s avatar as they have created it on the Roblox website.

Section #4 - Player.DevComputerCameraMode property description

At the end of the first sentence, the word “device” is repeated two times. I have two recommended changes to this depending on what the intended meaning is:

Recommended Edit

The DevComputerCameraMode property determines the manner in which a player moves their camera when using a device with a mouse-and-keyboard.

If that would affect the meaning of existing content too much, then this would be a more reasonable change:

Alternative Recommended Edit

The DevComputerCameraMode property determines the manner in which a player moves their camera when using a mouse-and-keyboard device.

Section #5 - Player.DevComputerMovementMode property description

The same potential typo from Section #4 happens at the end of the first sentence in the Player.DevComputerMovementMode property section, where the word “device” is repeated two times.

Once again, I have two recommended changes to this depending on what the intended meaning is:

Recommended Edit

The DevComputerMovementMode property determines the manner in which a player moves their character when using a device with a mouse-and-keyboard.

If that would affect the meaning of existing content too much, then this would be a more reasonable change:

Alternative Recommended Edit

The DevComputerMovementMode property determines the manner in which a player moves their character when using a mouse-and-keyboard device.

Section #6 - Player.DevEnableMouseLock property description

In the second sentence of the second paragraph, the word “the” is missing between “and character”.

Recommended Edit

Moving the mouse will orbit the camera around the player’s character, and the character will face the same direction as the camera.

Section #7 - Player.DisplayName property description

There are three separate errors in this section, all of which are related to hyperlinks.

  1. In the first bullet point of the description, a hyperlink to Player.Name is included but navigating to it does not bring you to a description of the property, as no dedicated section documenting the Player.Name property currently exists on the page.

  2. In the second bullet point of the description, both LoadCharacter and the first mention of DisplayName (which is referring to a property of the Humanoid object) were wrapped in a codeblock but without hyperlinks, even though documentation exists for both of those.

Recommended Edit

Characters generated with LoadCharacter or by the Roblox engine will have their Humanoid’s DisplayName property assigned to the Player’s DisplayName property.

Section #8 - Player.TeamColor property description

Toward the end of the second paragraph, there was an extra letter “s” added to the word “team”.

Recommended Edit

Setting this property often leads to repetition of the same BrickColor value for a certain team across many scripts; this is something you want to avoid when adhering to the don’t-repeat-yourself principle.

Section #9 - Player:GetJoinData method description

Several of the descriptions in the Player.GetJoinData section could have hyperlinks to referenced properties / relevant guides for improved accessibility.

Recommended Edits

(For the description of “SourceGameId”)

The DataModel.GameId of the experience the Player teleported from.

(For the description of “SourcePlaceId”)

The DataModel.PlaceId of the place the Player teleported from. Only present if the player teleports to the current place and a server calls the teleport function.

(For the description of “Members”)

An array containing the UserId numbers of the users teleported alongside the Player. Only present if the player teleported as part of a group.

(For the second image, at the end of the “GetJoinData and TeleportData” sub-section)

As this data is transmitted by the client, it can still potentially be abused by an exploiter. Sensitive data such as player currency should be transmitted via a secure solution like Memory Stores.

(For the third image directly above, in the “LaunchData” sub-section, “roblox” should be capitalized to “Roblox”)

You can also make sure that this link works for users without Roblox downloaded on their mobile devices…

Section #10 - Player:SetSuperSafeChat() method description

In the second sentence of the description, an unnecessary apostrophe was added to the word “players”. In the sentence that follows that, the word “enable” was written in the incorrect tense (it should be “enable”, not “enabled”).

Recommended Edit

SuperSafeChat is a chat mode where players cannot see unfiltered messages.

For example, entering the following command in the command prompt would enable SuperSafeChat for the player named polarpanda16, as long as that player is in the game:

Section #11 - Player:GetFriendsOnline method description

The hyperlink to the DisplayName documentation section was formatted incorrectly. This can be found within the table that lists the expected values to be returned from the Player:GetFriendsOnline method, specifically in the description for the “DisplayName” argument (the third from the top).

Recommended Edit

The Player.DisplayName of the friend.

Section #12 - Player:IsFriendsWith method description

In the second sentence, “userId” is wrapped in a codeblock with the incorrect capitalization and no hyperlink to the Player.UserId property it’s referring to. The incorrect capitalization is also included in the “Parameters” section directly below the description.

Recommended Edit

This function caches results so multiple calls of the function on the same player with the same UserId may not yield the most up-to-date result. This does not happen when used in a LocalScript.

Section #13 - Player:LoadCharacter method description

In the last sentence of the third paragraph, the word “script” is not plural nor is there a hyperlink to its documentation page.

Recommended Edit

Also, this function can be used in Scripts, while LoadCharacterBlocking cannot.

Alternative Recommended Edit

Also, this function can be used in a Script, while LoadCharacterBlocking cannot.

Section #14 - Player.CharacterAdded Event Description

In the third paragraph of the description, the deprecated Hat object was referenced as an example clothing item, whereas the equivalent and currently-used Accessory object would be more relevant to include. Additionally, a grammatical error exists at the same part of the sentence: "Hats and Shirts, and Pants…"

Recommended Edit

Note that the Humanoid and its default body parts (head, torso, and limbs) will exist when this event fires, but clothing items like Accessories, Shirts, and Pants may take a few seconds to be added to the character.

Section #15 - Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded Event Description

The first sentence of the second paragraph has a grammatical error: “Player.Character's generally have…”

Later on in the sentence, the Accoutrement object is mentioned as a example object that can modify the Character’s appearance. However, similar to the example from Section #14, the equivalent and currently-used Accessory object would be more relevant to include.

Then, in the first sentence of the third paragraph, “Characters” is missing an apostrophe to properly describe the relationship between the Character and its appearance; the description is currently using the plural form of the word “Character”.

Recommended Edits


In the first recommended edit, a comma was added after “appearance”. I tried to make it bold (to indicate it was an addition / change) but it isn’t formatted correctly while next to another letter**,** like what was demonstrated just there (unless it works by the time you’re reading this).

A Player.Character generally has a range of objects modifying its appearance, including Accessories, Shirts, Pants and CharacterMeshes.

One use for this event, is to remove and save aspects of a Character's appearance to be used later.

Section #16 - Player.CharacterRemoving Event Description

The last sentence of the second paragraph is missing the word “to” between “like print”.

Recommended Edit

For instance, if you would like to print a message every time a player spawns and dies:

Section #17 - Player.Chatted event description

At the end of the third sentence within the “Chat Commands” section, there’s an extra space added between the closing parentheses and the period.

Recommended Edit

To check for a prefix in a string, use string.sub() on the message to check a substring of the message: string.sub(message, 1, 6) == "/heal " (note the inclusion of the space).

Section #18 - Player.Idled event description

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, the reference to the Player object isn’t capitalized (but it should be).

In the last sentence of the fourth paragraph, the word “considering” was written in an incorrect tense.

Recommended Edits

This event is usually fired two minutes after the game engine classifies the Player as idle.

If you would like to track when this disconnect occurs, consider using Players.PlayerRemoving alongside this event.

Section #19 - Player.SimulationRadiusChanged event description

In the second sentence of the “What is the SimulationRadius” sub-section, the singular possessive word of Player's was used instead of the more applicable, plural possessive word of Players', as the description specified multiple players and not an individual one.

Important Note

Recommended Edit

In cases where a BasePart or assembly is within multiple players’ SimulationRadiuses, the closest player is chosen.

Hope that this ends up being useful! Maybe I’ll continue proofreading various pages throughout the Roblox Creator Documentation in the future since it was pretty interesting; got to learn about the nuances of some features that I hadn’t been aware of beforehand.


Great callouts, thank you! The typos you mentioned are now fixed.


Thank you very much for all of these edits! I’m working on them right now and they should go live soon.


Great catch, I will fix this right now!


Once clicking on the article where it tells about the ColorShift_Top, it contained a typo regarding Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom as repeating the word “Lighting” one more time:

It was fixed a year ago, but you are not able to get to the article mentioning the ColorShift_Bottom (I know that I should have reported that in the same topic, but it was closed), and yes only have the last parts of the URL link changed.

Issue Area: Lighting | Roblox Creator Documentation

(@TooManyOveralls ^)


Good eye, I’ll fix this right now. You should see the change very soon.


In this article, the word “unpredictable” is misspelled as “unpredicatable”



Not sure if this is intentional, but the reference to HapticService:SetMotor isn’t highlighted in blue or clickable.


Under “Requesting Area Streaming”

the code game uses . to call a function instead of :

local function teleportPlayer(player, teleportTarget)
	-- Request streaming around target location
       -- This results in a error: Expected ':' not '.' calling member function RequestStreamAroundAsync 

Should be

local function teleportPlayer(player, teleportTarget)
	-- Request streaming around target location

You can add translations Products such as Badges and Passes…

Should be
“You can add translations for Products such as Badges and Passes…”

Just a heads up, @Map1eMoose:

Code sample errors are among the things not meant to be posted in this thread

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