Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread [Closed]

The link doesn’t seem to work either.


CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ suggests that it’s rotated in order of ZYX, instead of XYZ, when the correct order is XYZ.

In debug | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
the function call a() at the bottom doesn’t actually have any reference to b()
calling a() wouldn’t actually result in b() or c() in any form

Left sidebar is in Chinese (I think) on the English page.

coughs I’m looking to learn more about constraints and attachments after I learnt the basics, but where is it? :sob:

Here’s the link.

Change this in the bottom

local agentParams should have commas after each of them in the example:

local agentParams = {
AgentRadius = 2.0,
AgentHeight = 5.0,
AgentWalkableClimb = 2.0,
AgentCollisionGroupName = “RedPlayers”,
CollectionWeights = { Bridge = 2.5, Minefield = math.huge },
MaterialWeights = { Water = 1.5 },
AgentCanJump = false,

Looks like they fixed it. It was set to English before.

Here’s a typo on the AvatarEditorService API page. The link to the tutorial should be “Avatar Editor Service” rather than “Article Editor Service.”

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For some reason “Other” is spelled very strangely (like “Othe r”) on this article?


Appears as ## instead of bolded, I think they forgot a space.

Incorrect spelling.
Link: Chat:FilterStringAsync

Missing enum on Enum Index (roblox.com).

Missing concatenation at the bottom of the example script:

print("Friends of " .. USERNAME .. ": " table.concat(usernames, ", "))

should be

print("Friends of " .. USERNAME .. ": " .. table.concat(usernames, ", "))
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Under the description of AbsolutePosition default is misspelled as “defualt”.

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Link to a nonexistent website on this page: UserInputService.ModalEnabled

Link goes to https://www.robloxdev.com/articles/Disabling-Parts-of-Game-Interface, which I assume is an old website that is not used anymore.

It’s towards the bottom, between the pictures and the code sample.

3 missing images on this page: ParticleEmitter.LightEmission

Error: Descriptions messed up
Link: AnimationTrack

The descriptions for OnePerButton and OneGlobally are swapped on ProximityPromptExclusivity.


There are two incorrect links on the page for the Enum data type.

  1. Should be changed and linked to Enums (it currently just links to the page you are already on and is incorrect).
  2. Should be fixed to link to this page.