Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread [Closed]


… maybe subject to moderation action …

Should be “may be subject to moderation action”

Misspelled “uiGradient” as “uiGradent”

FilterStringAsync() documentation page has a small typo

Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 10.43.30 PM

The Deprecated version of ClickDetector.mouseClick appears above the newer version of ClickDetector.MouseClick in the search bar:

Page for DevTouchMovementMode specifically says,

This property cannot be set using a LocalScript

which is true, but then the “Code Samples” section uses game.Players.LocalPlayer (which is only available in a LocalScript).

 local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
 -- Set the player's movement mode on mobile devices to a virtual thumbstick
 player.DevTouchMovementMode = Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.Thumbstick

The fix is simply updating the code sample to be a server side example, e.g.

    -- Set the player's movement mode on mobile devices to a dynamic thumbstick
    player.DevTouchMovementMode = Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.DynamicThumbstick

The same applies for DevComputerMovementMode. And the articles under StarterPlayer. Listed here:

Clicking on this icon on the page leads to a non-existent article.


Leads to this: Private Servers for Classroom Use | Roblox Creator Documentation

The same issue can be found in this separate page, which links to the link shown above.


I assume that this is purely a broken link.


Broken links




On the Terrain:FillCylinder page, it says “ball” instead of “cylinder”.


ParticleEmitter:Emit has an error, it should say ParticleEmitter/Enabled but instead, it says ParticleEmitter/Enalbed

This topic contains an outdated image of the material picker. Images are as follows:


(Thanks, @incapaz)


Broken links





On this you can see a syntax error:

Correct way:

local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

local teleportData = TeleportService:GetLocalPlayerTeleportData()
if teleportData then
	local placeId = teleportData.placeId
	local jobId = teleportData.JobId
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Can you elaborate on what you mean ‘broken links’? is the page under maintenance or are there typos because i dont have an issue loading these pages

Vector3.FromNormalId and Vector3.FromAxis are incorrect ways to write them as constructors for Vector3, camelCase is mainly used for cases like everything and PascalCase for classes such as a Enum. The documentation itself should list it as:

  • Vector3.fromNormalId
  • Vector3.fromAxis

Studio Intellisense used both PascalCase and camelCase when attempting to use Vector3, instead, camelCase is first than PascalCase.

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The BodyGyro page uses Simplified Chinese even though the page is in English.

Something even weirder is that the English page has more Chinese than the Chinese page.
English Page:
Clone is translated into 克隆 kè lóng.
Chinese Page:
Clone is not even translated.

I think part1.BodyGyro.cframe is deprecated and it should be CFrame.

Also RobloxLocked isn’t deprecated on the Chinese developer hub.

Same on the English version, it hasn’t been marked as deprecated yet


Two "the"s in the description of print

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Plugin:GetSetting code sample has an accidental ‘1’ next to the heading.

Plus, as you can see, the first line uses a deprecated function instead of the plugin keyword, but I know that this should be in a separate topic (which I’ll promptly make). I thought thought it’d be good to mention it here since it’s the same page.

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Camera.CameraType and Camera API pages have a broken link that leads to a tutorial or page called “Movements and camera controls” which the domain of the website is gone, it would be nice if this was removed and replaced with: Customizing the Camera | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Broken Link


The value of this can be set within studio like other reference-type fields (such as Modle/PrimaryPart ): click the field within the

Should (probably) be changed to

The value of this can be set within studio like other reference-type fields (such as Model/PrimaryPart ): click the field within the